Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Service Celebrating the Life

of Annie Laurie Overton Pomeranz

First Baptist Church of Sanford NC
10 a.m., Saturday, August 11, 2007
Preceded by Special Music at 9 a.m.
Organ: Susan Brooks Gaster
Piano: Patricia Langston
Organ: Jimmy Jones

Processional Hymn #629 "God of Our Fathers"

Welcome: Dr. Thomas A. Jackson, Pastor

Scripture: Proverbs 31: 10-31 read by Suzanne Pomeranz

Solo by Dr. Sharon Howell UpDyke
"The Lord is My Light and Salvation" by Frances Allitsen

Special Words: Rev. David L. Early

Choral Selection by Church Chancel Choir
"My Eternal King" by Jane Marshall

Rememberances: Laurie Pomeranz Grimm & James B. Pomeranz

Congregational Hymn #410 "It is Well with My Soul"

Benediction : Dr. Jackson

Recessional Hymn #7: "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"

Grandchildren: Robert E. Pomeranz III, John T.Pomeranz, Jordan B. Pomeranz
Nephews: David S. Overton, Jr., William C. Overton, David W. Overton

A graveside service, led by Dr. Del E. Parkerson, was held at the Jonesboro Cemetary immediately following the Church service.